Saturday 26 March 2011

the art of listening....

every friday night as a DTS we go out onto the streets of the city of Tauranga to pray for people and tell them about Jesus. honestly its sometimes a hard thing to do at the end of a really busy week because we are feeling weary and in need of rest, Sometimes its a real challenge and people just dont want to talk, but every single week i come home feeling so much better and so blessed that i decided to go out!

and this week i think was the best of them all.....and really i dont feel like we did that much.

and so the art of listening....

so we met a couple on the street who were just hanging out and started to talk to them. I got to talk to the guy along with a couple of the guys we were with and he just started sharing his story....he just really wanted people to listen to him. He told us his background and that he would steal and sell drugs to support his wife and baby but that he really didnt like doing that and really wanted another way to live but felt so hopeless and trapped in that. He said he didnt believe in God but we asked if we could pray for him and he agreed, so we did. And God just moved to greatly in his life. You could see the Holy Spirit moving on Him and definitely doing something really significant., and he acknowledged that.
He also shared how he would see evil spirits and they would torment Him in different ways and he was so open to sharing about that and was surprised that we didnt think he was crazy or making things up! so we got to pray and ask God to deliver Him from this, that he wouldn't be living under that anymore.

He told us we changed His life that night and it is so significant and he will never forget it.... but we know we did nothing but listen...God did the rest.
 did he commit his life to God? Is everything suddenly going to be fine?
No, probably not, but that doesn't matter, God touched Him and planted seeds and became real and tangible to Him that night. Just because some random people took the time to stop, and listen to his story and speak hope into his life.

It challenges me to make more time to many more people just want someone to hear them? to know they are not alone in how they feel and to know there is a hope?

and what a blessing it is to be able to share that hope!

1 comment:

Mika Ibarra Kaltoft said...

Oh yes!! I agree, how many more people is out there just waiting to hear the Gospel? :D

Good good mate!