Friday, 2 October 2009


we have come to the end of our shows in chillicothe.
we were at an outdoor venue and the weather has been a little unpredicatable the last few days. But God did a miracle. the storm that was due to hit around 8pm, mid show parted and went around on both sides of the area. its so good to know cares about the little things and has full control over them as well. around 120 people responded to the gospel at this show.

throughout this tour it seems there has been a large amount of spiritual warfare to combat, which almost seems strange as it is a relatively small tour. but it also an encouragement because we are taking back ground for God and giving him the glory.

our last show was in portsmouth on sunday. i had the opportunity to share a little of what God has done in my life, which was quite scary in front of 600 or so people but i did it!
we had a good number respond here too.
and so we have come to the end of this short tour. its seems to have gone by so fast, but we have seem God impact lives in small towns in ohio. it may be only 1 small part of the world, but God cares about everyone there so much and just wants to see them know him. it has been a great privilege to be a part of telling people how much God loves them!

Friday, 25 September 2009

goodbye zanesville

its time to move on! our time in zanesville ohio has been great. we just finished our big shows here and they were packed out!

the hall had no air conditioning and it was extremely hot and sticky which was a really distraction for many people and a lot ended up leaving early. as a result we needed to shorten the programme to avoid people getting to restless. Sometimes its difficult when you have worked so hard on something to have to let it go but the most important thing is sharing the gospel with those who haven't heard it or have a distorted view of what it really is.

below is a breakdown of some figures from our time in zanesville that has been passed around to the local churches in the area.

"The Impact World Tour has hit South East Ohio. Over the last week of outreach we have seen over +800 people come to Christ just in the Zanesville area. God has moved powerfully and wonderfully through this region.

Here is a rundown of the statistics from the last week of outreach:

· School Assemblies at Bishop Rose Crans – 240 attended the assembly and 240 responded to the Gospel. (Including two teachers and the Assistant Principle)

· Nursing Home – 125 attended and 11 responded (Average age 70) =)

· Crooksville Church Based Outreach – 250 attend – 98 responded

· Prison Outreach – 417 attend – 180 responded

· Zanesville High School –

1. 1st Night with Team Xtreme – 1168 attend – 150 respond (a man in a wheel chair with a broken leg was healed by God and walked out of the school)

2. 2nd Night with Island Breeze – 849 attend – 50 respond

3. 3rd Night with GX International – 1386 attend and 101 responded (One lady brought 11 kids from their apartment building and all 11 got saved!)

That’s 830 people who have said yes to a call to serving Jesus in Zanesville!"

this has been a real encouragement to the local churches and they have continually expressed what a blessing it has been for people to come from all over the world to minister in tier city.

we now just pray that the churches continue to work together to water the seeds that have been planted and encourage those who made a commitment to follow through with it and have lives that are transformed for Jesus.

Monday, 21 September 2009

week 1 : COMPLETE

can't say I'm a fan of getting up at 5:30 in the morning, but that has been the routine for most of these week.
our first school assemblies where amazing. we were in catholic schools and so we were allowed to preach the gospel and the majority of the pupils responded to this, which was a very encouraging start.

rest of the week was normal assemblies, promoting the shows which are coming up this week. the kids in the schools really seem to enjoy the performances and we get the opportunity speak into their lives, even if we can't talk about God.

last night we had an opportunity to do a mini show in a local church. during this show our bmx rider fell and got a compound fracture to his leg. we are all praying that God will just do a miracle in this situation.
apart from this the show went well and several kids responded to the gospel which is really good to see! it has given us a greater expectancy for the bigger shows this week. we have an expectancy that God is really going to move at this time so we are just continuing to pray for more, that his name be glorified and lifted up in this place.

Monday, 14 September 2009

made it to ohio!

saturday was spent cleaning and doing final rehearsals. the studio we have been using were allowing us to do so for free so in return to bless then we allowed them to invite people to watch are final dress rehearsal. although we didnt have skating, lights, video and stage etc, we just treated it like a show. one the dancers preached at the end and some of the people there accepted jesus. we also prayed over some of the dancers there who were christians, that God would annoint their dancing and use it to glorify his name. although we were all really tired after a busy 2 weeks we already got a chance to see God move through us and bring people to him, before tour has even officially started!

sunday was a long day of driving! we have had some problems this week with transportation. one of the trailers that we normally carry our luggage and props in was stolen. the same day one of the tires in our other trailer brust and needed to be replaced. yesterday was a long day of driving, not hepled by the face we got on the road 2 hours later than we had hoped! halfway through the journey the tire on the trailer blew AGAIN (the other tire this time) and so a couple people had to wait unitl that was sorted and didnt make it until this morning (they also have everyones luggage so that was interesting!)

but we have fially all made it to zanesville ohio, save and sound ready to get to work!

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

first dance

this is our first performance at a church in grandview, outside kansas city. it is where a number of full time gx staff attend so the church has a good relationship with us and are very supportive of what gx does.
this dance is one that we will use in school assemblies through the tour. it was good to get a chance to practice preforming before tour starts.

hopefully during school assemblies there will be opportunity to get better videos but at least its a good idea of what we've been working on. dance 1 of about 10!!

Friday, 4 September 2009

nearly half way

i have survived 6 days of dancing! my body is very sore (i am starting to feel my age!) and some days have certainly been very tough but overall we are getting there! there is so much choreography to retain.

starting everyday with an hour of praise and worship is defiantly a big help and the right way to do things. even though dancing takes up so much of our time at the minute and we would not achieve all we need to in the time we have.

we have also had some great teaching in the evenings. yesterday was really interesting. we had a discussion about end times. one thing that really stood to me is some of the statistics of abortion. in the year 1989 ALONE there were 65 million KNOWN abortions worldwide. IN ONE YEAR. it has been estimated that only ONE THIRD of my generation is alive. ONLY as a result of abortion.
the teaching we were discussing was that we were the remnant for this generation. God must have something really big for this time is satan is so determined to destroy us that only one third survive BIRTH.

it is something that has really made me think and perhaps helped me realized the importance of what we are doing on this tour. if nothing else it gives a chance to call up this generation which is something im really passionate about. i want young people to realize their potential in Christ and to walk in the call he has for them.

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

kansas city!!!

after a long drive to dublin in bad traffic, a 4 hour delay for my flight, an overnight stop in the suburbs of chicago and an 8 hour car journey i have finally made it t Kansas city!
its strange to be back and adjusting to the 30 degree heat and the humidity! but its nice to see old faces and places. there are a number of people here who have definately impacted my life in the short time i have known them and spent here last year and it so good to catch up with them again!

i also got to meet a new addition to a family! although so far i only spent one lunch with them its so clear to see that God is really blessing them and has his hand upon their daughter. she is so loved and is going to grow up in such a good home and it is so amazing to see!

im excited to get started for tour but i am really enjoying this down time before, seeing people on this side of the world that mean a lot to me!

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

do you want a revolution??

we spent last week serving on the streets of bangor. REVOLUTION WEEK!!
chatting to people
random acts of kindness
cleaning up the streets
bit of name it we had it going on!
and What a week it was!

its so encourging to see a bunch of teens step out of their comfort zone and serve in their own town! it was a humbling experience for me!
i got to teach some dance again which was great because its been a while! its such a great feeling seeing young girls and guys enjoying learning something i have created but more than that using it to reach people for Jesus. i always try and get a message in their at some point as i feel its so important. dance is something that culture has made pretty unholy and ungodly at times but it was created by God and its important to redeem it!!

all in all it was such a tiring week but great to be a part of. i have spent the best part of this year with these young people and its great to see them grow and i will miss them during my time away!

pictures speak louder than words!

Sunday, 1 March 2009

discontentment...good or bad?

you see latelty i have been feeling rather discontent. i look at my life and im not really happy with the way it is. im not happy with how i spend my time. im not happy with how much time i waste. im not happy with the job i do. im not happy with how much i talk to others about God. im not happy about how much money i spend on myself. im not happy about the amount of time i spend on my own. i am unhappy about where i live.

but it is ok to be discontent with these things? because you see the reason i think i am discontent with these things is because i think God has more for me.
i think he wants me to be spending more time with him.
i think he wants me to spend less time procastinating.
i think he wants me to spend more time using the gifts and strengths he has given (which incidently i dont really do with my job)
i think he wants me to be a better example of him to those around me.
i think he wants me to remember how poor other people are and how i could be helping them way more than i do.
i think he wants to be building more friendships with people while im here instead of just relying on the ones i have.
i think he has somewhere else for me to be.

so maybe some discontent is means i will reach for more of God, more of things that are true of him. but then theres that line.... and maybe im about to cross it. the line from a healthy discontentment that forces your eyes on jesus, trusting that he holds everything in his hands, to that place where where you are never satisfied with anything, always wanting more. the grass is always greener syndrome. its a line i dont want to cross!
i just need to figure out how to do that!

Sunday, 15 February 2009


a single red rose?
dinner for 2?
100s of barely audible i love yous?
secret glances?
shared moments?

or is it more?

standing by someone when they are at thier worst?
taking time out for that person that noone else will?
looking beyond mistakes?
never quitting?
following through on promises made?
standing up against injustice?
loving the unlovable, the unworthy?

worth it?


its not an exchange, giving so you get, its raw and its hard and its unconditional. its wild and its passionate and its undeniable. its vunerability. it should be easy to be vunerable with God he knows everything anyway...but yet something makes it so difficult.
God wants 1 thing...everything!

what am i prepared to give him?

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

i saw the sea, i saw me.

the other day i was taking a walk along the beach. it was a really foggy morning, so much so that i could even see good old carrickfergus across the lough, but it was peaceful, the sea was so calm, and i got to thinking....
the sea can change so much day to day; one day its a raging torent, and the next like a glass lake. this particular morning i think God was really speaking to me about where my life is right now. i cant see "the other side" or where im going right now, but things are calm and peaceful because i know i have put my trust compleltely in God to bring something amazing for my future. so its ok that i cant see everything and it was just a little reminder to me to keep holding on and be patient as his will unfolds, little by little. he'll show me the other side when i ready.