Tuesday, 18 August 2009

do you want a revolution??

we spent last week serving on the streets of bangor. REVOLUTION WEEK!!
chatting to people
random acts of kindness
cleaning up the streets
bit of dancing...you name it we had it going on!
and What a week it was!

its so encourging to see a bunch of teens step out of their comfort zone and serve in their own town! it was a humbling experience for me!
i got to teach some dance again which was great because its been a while! its such a great feeling seeing young girls and guys enjoying learning something i have created but more than that using it to reach people for Jesus. i always try and get a message in their at some point as i feel its so important. dance is something that culture has made pretty unholy and ungodly at times but it was created by God and its important to redeem it!!

all in all it was such a tiring week but great to be a part of. i have spent the best part of this year with these young people and its great to see them grow and i will miss them during my time away!

pictures speak louder than words!

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