Monday, 14 September 2009

made it to ohio!

saturday was spent cleaning and doing final rehearsals. the studio we have been using were allowing us to do so for free so in return to bless then we allowed them to invite people to watch are final dress rehearsal. although we didnt have skating, lights, video and stage etc, we just treated it like a show. one the dancers preached at the end and some of the people there accepted jesus. we also prayed over some of the dancers there who were christians, that God would annoint their dancing and use it to glorify his name. although we were all really tired after a busy 2 weeks we already got a chance to see God move through us and bring people to him, before tour has even officially started!

sunday was a long day of driving! we have had some problems this week with transportation. one of the trailers that we normally carry our luggage and props in was stolen. the same day one of the tires in our other trailer brust and needed to be replaced. yesterday was a long day of driving, not hepled by the face we got on the road 2 hours later than we had hoped! halfway through the journey the tire on the trailer blew AGAIN (the other tire this time) and so a couple people had to wait unitl that was sorted and didnt make it until this morning (they also have everyones luggage so that was interesting!)

but we have fially all made it to zanesville ohio, save and sound ready to get to work!

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