Saturday, 29 January 2011


i have had a lot of down time recently, and it isnt something i have particularly enjoyed but im starting to realize that in God’s eyes it was totally necessary!  I have had time to slow down, and realized that is something im not very good at.
 i have had a lot of time alone, again something i rarely do. God wanted me to still my soul and rest in him. i have been reading a lot, praying a lot and trying to listen a lot.
yes having all this time without too many pressures has been a great luxury, but a necessary one i think, and something i definitely dont want to take for granted!
there is a reason for everything and sometimes God just wants to give space. when theres space we can hear from him so much more easily and clearly and learn to tune into his voice, so that in the times of business and noise its easier to pick it out! 

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