Saturday, 13 November 2010


it has only been a few weeks since the end of tourbut if feels like so long ago already!
finishing tour is always a difficult time, its hard to adjust to not being around 30 people all the time (even though while on tour all your crave is time alone!)
But to go from that to having so much time and space alone is a real challenge.
all of a sudden you have time to think, to dwell on things, to process the last few months, rejoice in the good times and ponder upon the mistakes....of which there are inevitably some.
it can be so easy to get caught up in the shoulda, woulda coulda.....but that gets you nowhere. so instead comes the challenge of leaving things to God, places it in his hands and trusting that he REALLY REALLY does know best and wants that for me.

in some ways this has been a difficult few weeks, emotionally, and its good to have the friends that i do! i only wish they could be here with me! even though they are so far away i am constantly reminded how much they care, and how i am loved. i am BLESSED to have the people in my life that i do and i thank God for the friends i have and the people he has put around me. sometimes all this traveling feels so lonely, but i know we are not made to do this journey of life alone and i'm glad that i know i wont ever have to!

SO thank you to all my friends, all over the place! for being wonderful! and reminding of the truths of this life!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thinking of you. Love to keep an eye on what your doing. Keep enjoying yourself. Think your awesome.