Saturday, 19 November 2011

more from scotland

this has been an interesting and challenging week for all involved in this tour in scotland.
We arrived at our last stop on tour…penicuik, last weekend only to discover that all the school assemblies for the area had been cancelled and the venue for the shows the weekend was pulled. This was due to some things that had happened previously, however all the churches were still on board and determined to see God work in their community. It was so encouraging to see people unwilling to give up when it seems that the things they have been planning for over a year where falling apart in front of them.
We have all spent so much time praying and really seen the fruit of that.
This week we have seen a venue provided….a disused warehouse….a permit to use it….carpet for the floor, 600 chairs, a stage and a lighting rig. flyers with the new venue were distributed across town on thursday. The warehouse can hold twice the number of people than the previous venue and we are praying God fills those seats with people who need to hear the truth.
We have all been so encouraged to see God work this week, as it is only by Him that this could have all come together so quickly.
He works all things for good, for the Glory of His name!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

speaking the TRUTH

I found of this tour that it has been great to dance but i think more than that i have loved sharing what God has done in my life.
During the shows where we get to share the gospel i get the opportunity to speak about identity and I have found that this is something i am really passionate about! 
I get to tell young people that they are created by a God who loves them and has a purpose for their lives. I think this is an important message for me to share as it is my journey and my story....the struggle of accepting the truth that God created ME with a plan and purpose and that my value comes from HIM.

there is so much freedom in knowing this truth and it something i want to see young men and women walking in from a young age. 
I have found that God has really given me a Heart for the people of Scotland at this time and I get so excited seeing people respond to what Jesus has done for them.

I thank God for this wonderful privileged to share the freedom he has given me in my life and invite others into this freedom!