Wednesday, 31 December 2008

its that time of year....

the end!!!
i always like to look back on a year and say what i have done with this year?? for me 2008 is def one to remember! after a rubbish start things really could only get better!!!
in these last 12 months i have lived in 5 countries, had 4 jobs and met more new people than probably all the other years of my life put together!!!! (thats what it feels like anyway!)
i have seen so many new places and experienced so many new things! (i even have a freaking tattoo!!!)
i feel like a totally new person compared to how i left 2007! God can do a lot in a year! and im ready for 2009 to be even better!
best part of 2008: BRAZIL
hardest thing of 2008: HEALING A BROKEN HEART
ah 2008... well its been and gone, just need to remember all i have learned and not make the same mistakes again!

Thursday, 18 December 2008


ok so its christmas time and that means lots of nativity plays right??

so i was watching hollyoaks the other day (not something i frequently do usually because im at work!!.) At the minute they are trying to organise a community nativity play but everyone has their own ideas of what that looks like.... so basically the story of the birth of Jesus is being "sexed up" to make it more appealing! so more violence, more drama, more modern is the key to mass appeal! it just made me really sad that this is where we're at. the "nativity" has become such a wishy washy comfortable nice kids story for christmas that everyone knows but no one KNOWS!
i would think that a teenage girl finding out she is pregnant (and a virgin!), has to travel to some random town miles away and end up giving birth in a dirty nasty stable surrounded by smelly cows and sheep would be dramatic enough!! ..not to mention being on the run for 2 years because some mental jealous king wants to kill you baby. oh yeah and its JESUS the SON of GOD. just a few minor details!!!

but yet in this day and age this is not seen as exciting or relevant just a fairytale to be modernised, something for the kids at christmas! but this is the reason for the season! and its not comfortable and pretty and fun. jesus had the lowliest start to life, and we shouldn't try and soften it so much!

so i guess God can even use crap soaps on tv to speak to us! it really did make me think about what christmas has turned into! this is one of the only times people will even think about Jesus or God but they have it so wrong... whos going to fix that???

Friday, 12 December 2008

what are you living for??

something i struggle with since coming home is how i can use my days to glorify God?
when your a missionary and getting to speak to people and pray on nearly a daily basis its easy to see how God can use you... but when you find yourself making coffee and selling clothes, it becomes a little harder to see the eternal significance of your life! and thats hard for me.
a while back i did this strnegth finder test and it turned out that my main strength was belief meaning its very hard for me to devote my time to things that i dont deam important according to my values! (and surpirse surprise making coffee isnt one of them)
but then the other day i was reading col 3:17 "and whatever you do or say let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the father."
its not about WHAT i do its about HOW i do it! the conversations i have with people at work, the attitude i have while im there! everyone knows about my faith and everyone has their own preconceived ideas about what that means and how they will look at me.
so now every morning i wake up and remind myself that i could be the only Jesus they ever meet and thats a responsibility i dont take too lightly! i know the impact God has made on my life and if i am myself others will see it too. now i see the opportunities God is giving me... one guy is so full of questions and wants to talk about christianity ALL the time.... i just need increased boldness to keep going! to ensure my lifestyle is an example of Jesus!

Monday, 8 December 2008

gx show


i like to write a lot, it helps me think and process things i find! so this is probably more for myself than for anyone else, its kinda easier than keeping loads loads paper!
i am also a fan of explaination makes!!! do youo notice how they are never really needed, i mean its not like im shouting everything i say but i just like them! i think they are way cooler than ending a sentence with a full stop (or a period for all you americans!)

so i guess when i have some random thoughts i will put them down here for the banter!!